F300 Phone
Simple and safe for public places: hotels, administrations
The CoComm F300 is a 3G SIM landline phone that you can set up in any public place without worry. It is designed for public environments such as hotels, public administrations, museums, public spaces and any place with free entry. With the security of the password-protected menu, security support and basic functions of your phone, you will be sure to have a stable connection everywhere.
Safety of public spaces
This device has restricted menu access through a password, security with SIM card lock and a security slot to tether it to its environment. In addition, it does not include any function that may include personal information: it does not record calls and does not allow contacts to be saved. Even the battery is protected by a security screw.
Easy to use and customizable
Its 2.1-inch monochrome screen will allow you to see all the information at a glance and to customize your settings. It is designed to be simple and convenient to use and accessible to any user. It has a usage time of 3 hours and a standby time of 150 hours. Its charging time is 2 to 3 hours. It can be left plugged in for unlimited battery life and a secure connection through a simple power outlet.